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Gill Insurance Advisors Blog

Winter Driving Safety Tips

Winter weather can be unpredictable and dangerous, especially when you’re on the roads. It’s important to be prepared and know how to navigate the Plainfield, IN icy roads safely.

Here are some tips to help keep you safe while driving this winter season:

Prepare Your Vehicle

Before heading out, check your vehicle’s essential systems, including battery power, tires, brakes, wiper blades, and antifreeze levels. Be sure that all of your lights are functioning properly and ensure that your windshield washer fluid is topped off with a solution to resist freezing temperatures. Replace worn wipers or tires before winter begins.

Know Your Route

Planning can save you time and headaches when navigating icy roads during winter. Familiarize yourself with routes with fewer hills and sharp curves to avoid getting stuck or sliding on ice. Check traffic reports to make sure there are no accidents or hazardous conditions on your intended route. Take alternate routes with better traction, such as highways, instead of back roads when possible.

If you travel on many back roads, consider adding roadside assistance to your car insurance policy if you get stuck. Contact a Gill Insurance Agency representative to learn more about add-on options for your coverage.

Drive Safely

Be mindful of speed limits, particularly on bridges and overpasses that freeze quickly due to their elevated surfaces being exposed to cold air from above and below. Take extra caution near intersections as they have more black ice than other areas of the roadways. Put extra distance between you and other drivers if you unexpectedly lose control of your vehicle because of slippery conditions.

Get Auto Insurance Today

Navigating icy roads is never easy, but these tips will help you stay safe while driving in Plainfield, IN this winter season! If you’re looking for reliable auto insurance coverage this winter season, contact Gill Insurance Agency today! We offer customized policies tailored to fit your needs–both on the road and off!

Homeowners Insurance Protects Your Most Valuable Asset

A home is the most valuable thing most of us will ever own. Make sure it is protected with homeowners’ insurance. The Gill Insurance Agency, serving the Plainfield, IN area, can help.

The four main components of a homeowners’ insurance policy:

This policy covers the dwelling or home, other structures, such as garages and storage sheds, personal property, and liability coverage. In the event of a total loss, insurance will be the primary source for rebuilding your home. It also provides liability coverage in the event of legal actions for damage or injuries to another person on their property.

Homeowners insurance will protect the equity you have in your property. Without it, you could face not only losing your home but any increase in value that has accrued.

One of the most important parts of homeowners insurance is the level of coverage

Don’t pay for more coverage than you need. The most common policy is the HO-2. It is a broad policy that protects against a wide range of perils as outlined in the policy.

There are some things homeowners insurance does not cover

Insect or termite damage, rodent or bird damage, mold, rot, rust, and general wear and tear are not covered. Also, damage from smog or smoke from agricultural or industrial sites is not covered. A home that has been poorly constructed or has a hidden defect also will not be covered.

In addition, if you are carrying a mortgage on the property, your lender will require that you have homeowners insurance. They want their interests protected in the event of a total loss of property.

Contact Us Today

Even if you own your property free and clear, homeowners insurance is still a sound financial decision to make. In the event of a lawsuit, and you own your home outright, you face the risk of losing it.

Don’t take risks with your most valuable asset. Contact the Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN today for a quote. You will be glad you did.

Why do you need to have a life insurance plan in Indiana?

People in the Plainfield, IN area need to make sure that they get the right insurance. For those that are in this part of the state, one form of coverage to obtain is life insurance. There are various reasons why the typical person here needs to carry a life insurance plan at all times. 

Why Life Insurance?

Provide Financial Support for Dependents

A great reason for people to have a life insurance plan is so they can provide financial support for their dependents. Those that are in the state of Indiana will want to ensure they always provide support and care for those that they care about. With a life insurance policy, you can help protect your dependent’s financial future. These plans can be curtailed to meet your needs in terms of length and the coverage amount. 

Alternative Investment Option

The use of life insurance as an investment is also a good idea. When you are looking for new life insurance, a whole life insurance policy can be a good option. With this form of life insurance, some of your payment will go into an account and build with interest over the years. This plan account can eventually be liquidated or used as collateral for a loan, which will make it a good addition to your personal investment plan. 

Give Us A Call

If you are in the Plainfield, IN area, it is important that you spend time assessing your insurance needs. A great form of coverage all people need to consider here is life insurance. When you are shopping for a new life insurance policy, the team with the Gill Insurance Agency is a good group to call. Gill Insurance Agency will take all necessary steps to ensure you build and choose a plan ideal for your situation. 

What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

The agents at the Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN want Indiana business owners to know and understand the importance of commercial insurance. Commercial insurance is designed to help a business owner pay for the replacement cost or repairs of any damaged property or merchandise. All business owners take a certain amount of risk when they open a business, but small business owners tend to take an even larger risk since about 40 percent of businesses never get the chance to reopen after a disaster occurs. This is the reason that commercial insurance is so very important.

What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

Commercial Auto Liability

In the state of Indiana, all business owners must have commercial auto liability insurance under the law. This means that any vehicle that is owned by the business and preferably any vehicles that are driven for business purposes, be covered under at least a liability insurance policy to cover any property damage or injuries that could be caused during an accident.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is important for business owners to have in place if they have several employees working for them. This type of insurance will cover an employee’s wages while they are off work due to an injury sustained at work. This will also help offset any medical bills that are incurred due to an injury that happens on the job.

Commercial Liability Insurance Coverage

Commercial liability insurance coverage is extremely important to assist business owners in paying for medical bills that are incurred if a customer becomes injured at their business or due to something that is related to their business. This part of a commercial liability insurance policy can also protect business owners from copyright infringement, libel, and even slander.

Commercial Property Insurance

Whether a business owner owns the building in which their business is located or rents it, it is imperative to have commercial property insurance in place to cover the business itself. This can include merchandise, computer equipment, cash registers, and any other things that must be in place for your business to function. These items can be replaced or repaired if your business is damaged due to a fire, an act of vandalism, or even some sort of natural disaster. This part of a business insurance policy will help recover items that are stolen due to a burglary or theft incident.

Get Commercial Insurance Today

To create a commercial insurance policy that is best for you and your business, contact the experienced and trusted agents from the Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN today!

4 Common Mistakes New Car Owners Make When Buying Insurance

When you buy a new car, one of the first things you need to do is purchase car insurance. This can be daunting, especially if you are new to it. There are many things to consider when buying car insurance, and sometimes, new car owners make mistakes that can be quite costly. Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN can help you navigate this important coverage.

Here are four common mistakes new car owners make when buying insurance and how to avoid them:

Lying on the Auto Insurance Application

This mistake is quite common, especially with new car owners. Many people think that by providing false information, they will be able to get lower rates. However, this is not the case. Insurance companies use sophisticated software to verify the information that applicants provide. If they find out that you have lied on your application, they will either cancel your policy or refuse to pay out claims.

Not Doing Your Research

Many people simply choose the first insurance company they come across without doing any research on them. This is a huge mistake as different companies offer different rates and coverage. It’s essential to compare different companies before settling on one.

Not Getting Enough Coverage

Another common mistake is not getting enough coverage. This can be a costly mistake, especially if you get into an accident and don’t have enough coverage to cover the damages. That’s because the insurance company will only pay up to the limits of your policy, and the rest of the money will come from your pocket.

Not Understanding Your Insurance Needs

Do you understand your insurance needs? If not, you’re not alone. A recent study showed that nearly half of new car owners don’t know what type of insurance they need. Do your research before buying a policy, so you don’t end up overpaying or underinsured.

Avoid the Above Mistakes and Purchase Your Car insurance Today!

Are you a new car owner? Ensure you avoid these common mistakes when buying insurance for your vehicle. If you need help, our team of experts at Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN is always here to help. Give us a call today or visit our website for more information.

Is Home Insurance a Wise Investment?

With so many things competing for your dollar, you want to justify every line item in your budget. So, is home insurance worth it? You ask yourself. Home insurance not only protects your building structure but also protects you and your loved ones. Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN is here to provide guidance on this important insurance coverage. Here are some reasons why your home insurance gives you more value than the actual price you pay.

Home Insurance: Why To Invest?

It protects your building structure

Your home is valuable to you both financially and emotionally. You have used a lot of money to bring it up, either in the form of savings or loans. Your home holds a sentimental value, too. It’s a place where you have created numerous memories with your loved ones and pets. With all these goodies, doesn’t it make sense to protect your home? While you can protect your home with security surveillance enhancement, home insurance goes beyond the visible threats. It protects your home against natural disasters, falling objects, and other risks not prevented by security systems.

Protects you against liability claims

Has your dog bitten a passerby? Has the tree in your garden fallen on your neighbor’s house? While these incidences are accidental, you could be liable to pay for the damage. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry if you have liability coverage in your home insurance policy. This coverage covers you when third parties accuse you of causing bodily injury or property damage.

Covers loss of use

If your home has been damaged by a peril listed in your policy, home insurance covers additional living expenses until your home is repaired. Isn’t that convenient? You don’t have to seek temporary shelter from friends and relatives, even after a disaster.

Give Us A Call

Would you like to invest in home insurance in Plainfield, IN? Contact us at Gill Insurance Agency today for an affordable quote.

What If I Have Change In My Life Circumstances?

A change in your life circumstances doesn’t automatically mean you will lose your coverage. If your life circumstances change and you have an insurance policy in Plainfield, IN, Gill Insurance Agency provides the following guide on steps you can take.

Life Insurance: What You Need To Do

Inform Your Insurer and Review Your Policy

Whatever the change in your life is, if it affects the insurance policy you have, the first thing you should do is inform your insurer about it. They will likely give you directions on the way forward. This usually involves reviewing your policy, whether it’s homeowners, renters, auto, or life insurance coverage, to accommodate the change in your life. Here are some life changes that Gill Insurance Agency advises you to review your insurance policies.

Changes in Your Life That Require You to Review Your Homeowners Policy Are:

  • If you are doing home renovations or remodeling
  • When you are adding a new structure to your home
  • If you make a major purchase for stuff like art, electronics, furniture, and jewelry
  • When you start a home business

Life Changes That Mandate You Review Your Auto Insurance Are:

  • If you have some new/inexperienced driver in your house
  • When you buy or sell a car
  • When you move to a new location

Changes in Your Life That Require You to Review Your Life Insurance

  • If your family grows
  • When you move to a new location or remortgage your home
  • When you finish paying your mortgage faster than expected

What if You Lose Your Job and Can No Longer Afford Your Premiums?

If you lose your job and you can no longer afford your premiums, let your insurer know. Review your insurance policies to remove the coverages that you can live without. Although this would mean you have minimal coverage, your premiums will reduce significantly, and you will still have some insurance coverage. Keep in mind that most insurers don’t offer premium refunds if you cancel your policy, so it’s best to review it.

Contact Us Today

Contact Gill Insurance Agency for insurance info and deals in Plainfield, IN.

Does A Home Business Need Commercial Insurance?

If you have a home business, you should have commercial insurance. There are many different types of policies, and it’s important to find one that will cover your particular needs. Gill Insurance Agency can help Plainfield, IN home business owners choose the best policy. We have a wholehearted interest in your business. 

Does A Home Business Need Commercial Insurance?

Home businesses need a variety of types of insurance to protect their assets. In addition to liability coverage, home business owners should consider professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance. This coverage protects your business from claims of negligence in the provision of professional services. Worker’s compensation insurance is required for home businesses with employees, but different policies apply to different types of home businesses. It’s important to remember that business property insurance covers your business equipment. Homeowners’ policies do not cover business equipment, so be sure to purchase a separate policy for your home business.

Small business owners have three basic choices for their insurance needs. They can either add endorsements to their homeowner’s insurance policy or buy a Business Owners Package (BOP) policy that offers all the necessary coverage for their home-based operation. The choice depends on the nature of your home-based business and how much you’re willing to spend. Some policies offer liability coverage for visitors to your home. For smaller businesses that receive very few business visitors, this endorsement is optional.

If you run a home-based business, you’ll need to adjust your policy on a yearly basis. You’ll also need to update your policy in case something happens to your property. A home-based business policy will only cover some of the risks, and it’s important to make sure you know all the details. 

Give Us A Call

Running your own business takes a ton of time and effort. Let Gill Insurance Agency, now serving the greater Plainfield IN community, take away the headache of commercial insurance shopping today.

Is Home Insurance Legally Required?

Although home insurance is not required by law, it is likely that your bank will require it before underwriting your mortgage. However, even if the bank does not or you purchased your home without financing, home insurance is a no-brainer purchase because it protects you and your loved ones from devastating financial loss. If you do not have home insurance and your house is destroyed in a fine, you are financially responsible for all costs associated with the incident up to and including rebuilding the structure. Unless you have an extra few hundred thousand dollars laying around to rebuild your home, you’ll want to have the security that homeowners insurance offers. If you are on the fence about home insurance, ask yourself – if your home and all your belongings are destroyed; could you afford having to start over from nothing? If not, you’ll want to have home insurance coverage. 

Most mortgage lenders will ask that you insure your home to at least the rebuilding value which is determined by the insurance company. Aside from being financially protected by a home insurance policy, you’ll also receive liability coverage, so if a third party is injured on your property, your insurance will kick in until your liability coverage is exhausted. Most home insurance policies will also include dwelling coverage that pays for damage to the structure of your home that is caused by a storm, wind, or other covered incident along with additional living expenses if your home is uninhabitable because of a covered loss.

At Gill Insurance Agency in Plainfield, IN we know that you have lots of questions about home insurance so we encourage you to give us a call to learn more about our agency and how we can help you with all your insurance needs. 

What coverage comes with an auto insurance plan in Plainfield?

For most people in the Plainfield, IN area, owning a car is considered a necessity. When you are an owner of a vehicle, you will have a much easier time getting around town and going to work or school. Once you buy a car, it is crucial that you also get a quality insurance plan. Your auto insurance plan will offer various types of support that make coverage well worth the investment. 

Liability Support

One type of coverage that you will receive with your auto insurance plan is liability support. If you drive a car, you will run the risk that you can cause an accident. If this occurs, you will need to cover damages incurred by the other driver or other parties involved. Your auto insurance plan will offer you the support required to cover these damages if a situation like this arises. 

Protect Assets

You also will want to have auto insurance to protect your assets. If you purchase a car, you will be making a significant investment. A great way to protect this is with a comprehensive and collision insurance plan. This coverage will give you support if your car is stolen or damaged in an accident or you incur another type of covered loss. 

In the Plainfield, IN area, you will likely want to own a car. Due to the necessity and importance of a vehicle, you will also want to ensure that you get the right insurance for it. As you are looking for an insurance plan here, you can start your search by calling the Gill Insurance Agency. There are a lot of choices to make when looking for coverage, and Gill Insurance Agency can help you build an ideal plan. 

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